Volume 10 - 2011-2012

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Issue 1 - Winter 2012

The 11th Annual Digital Broadband Migration Symposium: The Dynamics of Disruptive Innovation

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Madelaine Maior
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Symposium Papers
A Case for Government Promoted Multi-Stakeholderism
Marc Berejka
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 1
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Internet Speculations
Vint Cerf
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 21
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Remarks at the Digital Broadband Migration
Lawrence E. Strickling
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 33
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Why the Federal Government Should Have a Privacy Policy Office
Peter Swire
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 41
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Cloud Computing
Cloud Control: Copyright, Global Memes and Privacy
Daniel J. Gervais and Daniel J. Hyndman
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 53
Can I Use this Photo I Found on Facebook? Applying Copyright Law and Fair Use Analysis to Photographs on Social Networking Sites Republished for News Reporting Purposes
Daxton R. Stewart
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 93
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Student Notes
Insecurity for Community Solar: Three Strategies to Confront an Emerging Tension Between Renewable Energy Investment and Federal Securities Laws
Kristin Bailey
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 123
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Consumer Choice: Is There an App for That?
David Cline
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 147
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Sweet Fruit or Poisoned Apple? The iPad's Effect on Newspapers
Janna Fischer
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 173
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The Utah Bioprospecting Act of 2010: (Unintentional) State-Level Implementation of the United Nations Convention on Biodiversity
William M. Fischer
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 197
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Issue 2 - Summer 2012

Digital Broadband Migration Conference: The Challenges of Internet Law and Governance

Madelaine Maior
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The Economics of Privacy
Privacy and Market Failures: Three Reasons for Concern, and Three Reasons for Hope
Alessandro Acquisti
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 227
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Interview with Federal Trade Commissioner Julie Brill
Julie Brill and Paul Ohm
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 235
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Irrational Privacy?
Julie E. Cohen
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 241
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Can Privacy be Just Another Good?
Joseph Farrell
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 251
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Empirical Research on the Economic Effects of Privacy Regulation
Catherine Tucker
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 265
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Necessary But Not Sufficient: Standardized Mechanisms for Privacy Notice and Choice
Lorrie Faith Cranor
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 273
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The Irony of Privacy Class Action Litigation
Eric Goldman
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 309
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Signaling Exhaustion and Perfect Exclusion
Lior Jacob Strahilevitz
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 321
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Internet Governance
Internet Governance: The Role of Multistakeholder Organizations
Joe Waz and Phil Weiser
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 331
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Technology and the Sovereignty of the Individual
The Honorable Robert M. McDowell
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 349
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Student Notes
Competitive Smart Grid Pilots: A Means to Overcome Incentive and Informational Problems
Mark Wiranowski
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 359
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Who's Calling? Third-Party Telephone-Fundraiser Disclosure Reform
Jeffrey Graves
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 397
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What's Said In This Locker Room, Stays in this Locker Room: Restricting the Social Media Use of Collegiate Athletes and the Implications for their Institutions
Zak Brown
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 421
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Browser Enhancer Detection by Employers and Insurance Companies
Kendria Alt
10 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 445
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