Volume 5 - 2006-2007

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Issue 1 - Fall 2006

The 6th Annual Digital Broadband Migration Symposium: Confronting the New Regulatory Frontiers

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Micah Schwalb
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Video Over Internet Protocol
Video Games: The Oddly Familiar Terms of Debate About Telco Entry Into the Video Services Market
Jonathan E. Nuechterlein
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 1
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Why Have a Telecommunications Law? Anti-Discrimination Norms in Communications
Tim Wu
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 15
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Digital Rights Management
Mistrust-Based Digital Rights Management
Randal C. Picker
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 47
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Don't Mess With Success: Government Technology Mandates and the Marketplace for Online Content
Gigi B. Sohn
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 73
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The 99 Cent Question
Christopher Sprigman
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 87
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Industry Structure
From Wifi To Wikis and Open Source: The Political Economy of Collaborative Production in the Digital Information Age
Mark Cooper
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 125
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Telecommunications: The Transition from Regulation to Antitrust
Alfred E. Kahn
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 159
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Symposium Keynote
Representing Value as Digital Objects: A Discussion of Transferability and Anonymity
Robert E. Kahn & Patrice A. Lyons
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 189
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Video Killed the Franchise Star: The Consumer Cost of Cable Franchising and Proposed Policy Alternatives
Jerry Brito & Jerry Ellig
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 199
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Shedding Tiers For a la Carte? An Economic Analysis of Cable TV Pricing
Thomas W. Hazlett
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 253
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Student Comment
IPTV: Public Interest Pitfalls
Micah Schwalb
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 305
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Issue 2 - Winter 2007

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Micah Schwalb
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Towards an Economic Framework for Network Neutrality Regulation
Barbara van Schewick
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 329
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Re-Evaluating FCC Policies Concerning the Lifeline & Link-Up Programs
Lynne Holt & Mark Jamison
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 393
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Ford, Carter, and Deregulation in the 1970s
Andrew Downer Crain
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 413
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Book Review
Some Peer-To-Peer, Democratically, and Voluntarily-Produced Thoughts
Ann Bartow
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 449
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The Digital Broadband Migration
Internet Think
Susan P. Crawford
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 467
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Regulation and Free Markets Redux: Additional Insights on Regulating the Telecommunications Industry in the New Economy
James Crowe
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 487
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Silicon Flatirons Student Writing Contest 2006
Surveillance's Slippery Slope: Using Encryption to Recapture Privacy Rights
Daniel J. Sherwinter
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 501
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Issue 3 - Spring 2007

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Micah Schwalb
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Unintended Consequences of Net Neutrality Regulation
Robert E. Litan & Hal J. Singer
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 533
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The Analog Hole and the Price Of Music: An Empirical Study
Douglas C. Sicker, Paul Ohm & Shannon Gunaji
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 573
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The Need for Software Innovation Policy
Christopher Riley
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 589
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Student Comment
Embracing the DNA Fingerprint Act
Patrick Haines
5 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 629
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