Volume 4 - 2005-2006

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Issue 1 - Fall 2005

The 5th Annual Digital Broadband Migration Symposium: Rewriting the Telecommunications Act

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Lisa M. Neal-Graves
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Rewriting The Telecom Act: An Introduction
Philip J. Weiser
4 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 1
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Keynote Addresses
The Digital Migration: Toward a New Telecom Act
Michael K. Powell
4 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 5
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Overseeing the Unforeseeable: A Rational Regulatory Approach to 21st Century Communications
Richard C. Notebaert
4 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 31
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Communications Law Reform
Reforming the FCC and Its Mission: Lessons From the Airline Experience
Alfred E. Kahn
4 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 43
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Breaking the Ice: Rethinking Telecommunications Law for the Digital Age
Kevin Werbach
4 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 59
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Communications' Copyright Policy
Molly Shaffer Van Houweling
4 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 97
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Spectrum Reform
The Question of Spectrum: Technology, Management, and Regime Change
Gerald R. Faulhaber
4 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 123
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Making Spectrum Reform "Thinkable"
James B. Speta
4 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 183
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Spectrum Equity
Ellen P. Goodman
4 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 217
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Student Note
Cognitive Radio: Moving Towards a Workable Framework For Commercial Leasing Of Public Safety Spectrum
Travis E. Litman
4 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 249
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Issue 2 - Spring 2006

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Lisa M. Neal-Graves
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The Layered Regulatory Model Debate
Critiquing the Layered Regulatory Model
David P. Reed
4 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 281
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Misunderstanding the Layered Model(s)
Douglas C. Sicker & Lisa Blumensaadt
4 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 299
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Digital Age Communications Law Reform
The Digital Age Communications Act Paradigm for Federal-State Authority
Kyle D. Dixon & Philip J. Weiser
4 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 321
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Wither The States? Comments on the DACA Federal-State Framework
Paul Teske
4 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 365
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Telecom Regulation for the 21st Century: Avoiding Gridlock, Adapting to Change
Robert C. Atkinson
4 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 379
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National Security on the Line
Susan Landau
4 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 409
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Silicon Flatirons Student Writing Contest 2005
Adventures In Software Licensing: SCO V. IBM and the Future of the Open Source Model
Andrew LaFontaine
4 J. on Telecomm. and High Tech. L. 449
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